Hey Friend!
We are walking in a world of lies. We don’t even know what to believe anymore and who is telling us the truth and who is just trying to deceive us for selfish gain. That’s why more than ever we need this series. I hope you join us over at the podcast from 7/12-7/19.
7/12- Part 1: The 3 Simple Schemes of Satan
7/14- Part 2: The Truth About Where We Can Find Happiness w/ Special Guest Emily Copeland (Author of Starving the Fairy Tale)
(Coming Soon) 7/19- Part 3: The Truth About Our Worth and Identity w/ Special Guest Nyla Wiebe (Certified Life Coach and Nutritionist)
I can’t wait for you to fill up on TRUTH and dispel every other lie.
Stay Faith-full,
Jill (click to listen on the podcast here.)
A little about our special guests:

Emily Copeland
Emily is a pastor’s wife and mom of two girls. She lives in Southeastern Michigan and works full-time for a data technology studio. She recently wrote a book called Starving the Fairytale that exposes the lie that more of self will satisfy. She believes that although the lies of culture can be overwhelming, the power of God and our identity rooted in Him allows us to live out our kingdom-focused purpose in a self driven world. Emily is always pursuing the next best iced americano and is an avid Crumbl cookie connoisseur.
You can find Emily:
on IG: @em.copeland
on FB: Emily Copeland
Starving the Fairytale: A New Model for Self-Discovery
Check this out on Amazon

Nyla Wiebe
Nyla lives in Canada with her hubby of almost 6 years and their cute black and white cat, Quincey. Nyla is a Certified Christian Life Coach, working with clients via the phone world wide. She specializes in Intuitive Eating and body image improvement from a Biblical perspective and she is also a Virtual Assistant for other female faith based entrepreneurs, specializing in podcast production. She became a Christian at 4 years old and it was the best decision she has ever made!