“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, having promise for the present life and the life to come.”
1 Timothy 4:8
As important as being healthy physically is, our spiritual life and growth has value for every area. That is why I am starting a new community called “Fabulously Flawed Women” that is focused solely on our faith.
Each month we will do a study to exercise our spiritual growth while helping to motivate all areas of our lives. This will be done in a “member only” private Facebook group.
I will do a new teaching daily and a live video weekly. We will come together each day, talk to each other about what God is saying to us specifically and talk about how it is having an impact on our day, week, month and life!
This will be a community that thrives on understanding who God is and his ways so that we can better understand who we are and what God wants for us individually. Our purpose in Christ is far better than any purpose we can come up with on our own.
This community will help us shine in confidence, radiate his light and stand out in a dark world. It will be one of the best parts of your day.
This isn’t a world that needs or even wants shiny lipstick, better skin or better hair, what we really want (but may not realize) is good news and we want it NOW!
So let’s join together in this little community, take in good news and share it outwardly in the way God reveals to us how He wants us to individually.
The first group starts on December 1st!
It’s easy to overlook the days leading up to Christmas and even forget about the TRUE reason for the season. So on December 1st we will start our 25 day series! The series by Dr. Young that I will lead with, will help you:
•Better understand what Christ’s birth means•
•Experience true peace•
•Give God the only gift He wants- YOU!
This may be the best gift you give yourself all year!
To subscribe to study go to MENU on my website, then hit “Join my faith group”!
I’m so looking forward to this! •
Join The Fabulously Flawed Women Community Now!