The SECRET to being closer to God then ever before

This post is different then any other post.  I’ve never asked for money…EVER.  But today I am going to….Are you still with me after that bold statement? If you are, thank you.

Never have I been more changed in my life then the two times I experienced utter poverty.  The first time in El Salvador, the second time in Honduras.

I watched moms as they made bottles for newborns with the only dirty water they had access to. I saw mattresses on dirt floors with holes and bugs and the smile on the face of the child that lay there.

I saw the beauty all around me even with the falling sheds that these people called “home.” They NEEDED me.  They needed the water our team brought, they needed the supplies for medical and for school. They needed HOPE. And we were it.

They ran towards our buses every single day.  And as we pulled away every night to head back to our mission house, they ran with our bus until they couldn’t run anymore.  They cried our last day just as much as we did.  They loved us with EVERY.THING.THEY.HAD and we did the same. I have NEVER been closer to God then I was on those days because of these three things: 

  1. We served with LOVE
  2. We loved more and more…and more
  3. We gave it all we had


Now here is the part where you can click off my blog or you can help my friends and apply the secret I shared.  The same team I went to Honduras with is leaving in just 3 weeks to head back for the things we couldn’t finish last year and cumulatively they are $9000 short.

If you find it anywhere in your heart to give, please help make this trip possible.  The world needs you even when you can’t take the trip. Thank you so much in advance. CLICK to give

Oh and one last thing, share this post with as MANY people as possible to make this mission possible. Again, many thanks.

Jill <3

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