5 Ways to “Get Thankful” This Season

When I am thankful, my whole outlook on life changes.  Everything is more joyful. Even my relationships are better.  And who doesn’t want that, right? So as we go into the season of thankfulness, I thought it would be appropriate to give us some ways to get our hearts in check and really “get thankful.”

  1. Wake up a little earlier then usual and pour yourself your favorite cup of coffee or tea. Get cozy, grab your journal or notebook and start writing at least 3 things you’re thankful for each day leading up to Thanksgiving.  If you have time, elaborate.  For example: “I am thankful for my husband.” And if you have time to elaborate you might say something like- “because he gets up everyday to work for our family even on days it’s hard.”

2. Meditate on scriptures that remind you of the Lord’s goodness. And then memorize them if you can so that you take them through the whole rest of the year with you.  Here are a few to get us started:

Phil.4:6- “Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving let your request be known to God.”

James 1:17- “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from our Father who never changes.” -Thanks be to God!

Psalm 139:5-6- “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand.”

3. Serve! One of the best ways to “get thankful” is to really see others and their needs. It’s amazing what your heart feels when you can be of service to someone else. There are so many ways to do that this season. Call a local church, soup kitchen or homeless center and get involved.

4. Just Know!  Knowing and believing that God is good no matter what, (even in the hardest of seasons), can help us “get thankful.”  I know this time of year can be challenging for many of us.  But remembering that there is more to life then this side of eternity will always keep the heart thankful.

5.  Most importantly remember that giving thanks isn’t just something that you should do but this is actually God’s Will- “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God.” -Thessalonians 5:18

Happy thanksgiving from my family to yours!


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