The Summer Well Spent Bucket List

Shew it’s been a day! Homeschool, attitudes, tears….the works! Just put Scarlett down for a nap, threw in a load of laundry and now I’m finally sitting down with a cup of coffee! I sent the boys downstairs to play while I typed out my thoughts to you. Isn’t it funny how writing down your thoughts can just sort out your mind, or answer questions that have been weighing heavily on you and then suddenly life is clear again? That’s why I love journaling so much. I highly recommend journaling before bed. It’s one thing that can be life altering when it comes to a better nights sleep. You know us women love to toss and turn to every thought before finally falling asleep. Either that or we wake up to pee and worries call us fully awake again at 3 AM. But I’ve learned that getting it all down on paper and praying over it leads to a restful night of sleep and even better, sometimes a surprising answer to prayer in the morning! 

But that’s not what today’s post is about lol.

So, the kids were driving me up the wall this morning! I wanted them off their devices but at the same time I had a million things to do and I just needed a few minutes to breath. I thought on my toes and I had the boys grab some paper and pencils and told them to sit together and make a “summer bucket list.” I knew with spring being here, this would get them excited and they’d forget all about their iPads. And it would keep them busy for at least a little while. And it worked! So this weeks advice that I learned from a hard day over here is: have your kids make a summer bucket list when you are trying to get them into something. And it won’t just help with today but it will serve you all summer and beyond. 

I cultivated a list of ideas for you between the kids ideas and added some of my own. Our family bucket list can get you started to create your own families list. I also included a pretty and free printable for you to create it on.  And every time you are looking for something to do, refer to your list and check it off after you complete it! It will take some energy on your part to make your memories happen (nothing good comes easy) but they will be gold and oh so worth it when you look back at life and remember a “summer well spent.” (Remember, we only get 18 summers with them- if we are lucky.)

  • Catch fire flies
  • Camp in the backyard (invite a neighbor friend too). Silas has this camping set and plays in it all year around!
  • Go to the zoo
  • Go to a flower farm and pick flowers
  • Visit the Aquarium
  • Roast marshmallows around the fire pit every weekend (this ones $100 with great reviews)
  • Ride bikes together as a family
  • Night swim
  • A day trip to a beach/lake/river
  • Rent kayaks
  • go out for ice cream
  • go out for snowballs
  • family tennis or basketball at courts
  • picnic
  • parks
  • cook together- we like to make up restaurant names, set the tables with candles and nice glassware and the kids welcome us to their restaurant. This kids cooking set is GREAT!
  • grow a garden with flowers or veggies and watch them grow (taking care of things together and wondering at how God works is amazing). I included a gardening kit here to get them excited.
  • night under the stars (get out blankets and lay under the stars and talk about anything!)
  • outdoor movie
  • outdoor worship night
  • farmers market for breakfast and then go to lunch together
  • Amusement park (pick your favorite!)
  • Family movie nights with popcorn and candy
  • Catch butterflies (and release)then draw them when you get inside
  • Read aloud as a family at least 3 chapter books over the summer. Some of our favorites are Winnie the Pooh, mouse in space, I survived books and the magic tree house series
  • Paint rocks! Find cool rocks and bring them in to paint
  • Make popsicles (these trays are great) 

So there is our list! Now get started below with yours with the printable I created and then hang on the fridge when complete! 🙂

And p.s. don’t forget to share your lists with us in the comments section or tag me in them on IG! Us moms are always looking for more ideas!

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