Just like when you start to get dizzy, the first thing someone says is “maybe you need to step outside and get some fresh air.” Or like when someone comes along that’s pleasantly new and different, we hear “you are like a breath fresh air.” Just the thought of those words calm me.
As a mom with 5 kids (3 of them being little), if I’m being honest, I look forward to taking the trash out or getting the mail to get that breath. C’mon stay at home mom’s, I know you can relate. We can feel a sense of emptiness, weariness and lack of connection and stepping outside re-centers us even if it’s just for a moment.
But what if stepping outside isn’t the answer? What if there’s a better answer? One with more longevity in keeping us strong and stable for the whole day.
“Peace be with you. Then he breathed on them and said, “receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22
What if instead of breathing in some fresh air, we breathed in the Holy Spirit in those weak and weary moments? What if we remembered that God is as close to us as the air we breath because He is the air we breath?
Take a deep breath. Connect to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him over and over again throughout your day where to go, what to do and what to say. Filling up on the Holy Spirit and letting the spirit lead will give us all the peace, love and joy that we are in search of, if we just remember to do it.
Dear Lord,
Being a mom is one of the greatest privilege’s of my life and I want to treat it that way. Help me to remember that you are as close to me as the air I breath. Let me connect to my breath and Your Spirit, especially in hard moments. Guide me in the way I should go. I know that whenever I let you lead, I come out victorious and filled with your love, peace and joy. Thank you for motherhood and all you are teaching me. Thank you for making me more like you on this blessed journey. I praise you. In your precious name.
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