Sneak Peak into The Found Girl + Day 1 Devotional

I asked you guys if you would read my free 7 day devotional and I was lucky enough to get a lot of positive feedback.  So I’m working on it every chance I get.  But I wanted to give you a sneak peak into “The Found Girl- A 7 Day Devotional” by yours truly. So grab your morning coffee and read Day 1 below and tell me what you think.

Day 1: “God Sees You Even When You Feel Like No One Else Does”

Verse: For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed. 2 Chron. 16:9

God sees You!  Today we may feel alone, discouraged or not enough but Jesus sees our pain, fears and tears and he says we are enough and certainly not alone.

All he wants is for us to come to Him with the things we are facing and be fully committed to Him with it.

He’s been waiting for us with open arms. He is our guide, our healer, our protector and our good father! We are precious in his eyes no matter where we have been, what we are going through and what we have done. He calls us His. We belong. Let’s stop hiding our struggles, our weakness and our pain.  He knows all about it and he wants to take it from us. “Where we are weak, he will make us strong.”

Think about the biggest struggle you are currently dealing with. If he said “I will give you rest in this situation if you just give it to me.” Would you hand it over?

I want that rest! I want that joy. I know doing things His way is the total opposite way I would do things. But the times I’ve asked Him how to do it and denied my own way- I’ve come out on top!

Will you let His way be your guide to the good life?

Prayer: Dear Lord, We know only you can heal our broken places. We know you see us. Every part of us. We give you everything right now. We are at the end of ourselves and we realize we can’t do it without you. We are running to your open arms, knowing this is where our freedom is.  Today is a new day and your mercies are new every morning. Walk with us, guide us and give us what we need to make every decision we face with you and for you. Amen.

Listen to this to end your devotional time and for more encouragement in whatever you are facing.

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