Dear Friend,
I know things seem a bit crazy. But as I sit here working on the women’s devotional I’m writing for you all, Christmas music is playing and I look up to see a sticker that says “life is good.” And you know what? It truly is.
Don’t rush this.
As hard as a season, there will be memories made and pictures you took that you look at in the future and smile and even shed tears over because you wish you could go back in time. Yes, believe it or not… you’re gonna miss this.
There’s still love to be had, memories to make and lessons to be learned, so don’t rush this.
Reflect on the good times. And write down how you can finish well. Time is precious. Even in 2020. So please, don’t rush this.
Your babies are still growing no matter the year. And your relationships are still deepening.
Finish well. Finish strong. And savor the Savior this Christmas season.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'” Matthew 25:21l